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作者:佚名     时间:2015-06-25 12:17:00     浏览:5081    
<center > <p> <img alt="" src="/Public/Upload/image/2015-06-25/2015062512170022727.jpg" /></p></center><p> As an entrepreneur and new business owner, you need to devote yourself first to getting your product or ready to sell -- and then quickly money. But, along the way, you also need to decide: Should you think about hiring someone to do your ing right away, or wait to see how business goes?</p><p> 作为一名企业家和创业者,你要竭尽全力设计自己的产品和服务,才能有销量,才能迅速赚钱。但是,同时你也要做决定:你要考虑是否该雇用别人来帮你做营销,还是等待生意自己的发展态势。</p><p> We asked a network of Princeton alumni entrepreneurs when they themselves started to focus on ing their business, and not just selling. Here, they told us, is they found their ing talent.</p><p> 我们咨询了普林斯顿大学的校友企业家,想知道他们从什么时候开始专注于市场营销,,而不仅仅是。他们告诉我们要发现自己的营销天赋。</p><p> <strong><img alt="" src="/Public/Upload/image/2015-06-25/2015062512170042148.jpg" />They are the ing talent!</strong></p><p> <strong>他们简直就是营销天才啊!</strong></p><p> Two of the alums said that they are the ing talent for their organizations. Robin Resch of the Robin Resch Studio, pointed out, &ldquo;I am a one-woman show, so my skills stand out and are always dloping.&rdquo; Harriet Donnelly of e5ing, which provides ing support for a Princeton entrepreneur, noted that, &ldquo;We are the ing talent. New people are brought in on work at first and offered a job if they fit in with ryone else and care about the work they produce.&rdquo;</p><p> 两位校友企业家分别是自己公司的营销人才。罗宾&middot;雷希(Robin Resch)建立了以自己名字命名的工作室,她说:&ldquo;这就是我自己的舞台秀,我的技能总有用武之地,同时也能得到发展进步。&rdquo;e5营销公司的哈丽特&middot;唐纳利(Harriet Donnelly)为另一位校友企业家提供市场营销帮助。她说:&ldquo;我们是一个营销人才组织,首先为新项目招纳新人,只要他与大家各方面都很融洽,并且工作认真,就会为他提供工作机会&rdquo;。</p><p> <strong>Networking</strong></p><p> <strong>人际关系网</strong></p><p> Many shared their belief that networking is a great source of ing talent, and that networking sources might range from local universities to contacts provided by the Enterprise Dlopment Corporation (EDC), a nonprofit aisory and support group for entrepreneurs. As a business school professor, I also encourage my students to take on ing s for local startups. That provides them a means of putting their new skills to use and at the same time ing a new entrepreneur. We encourage our colleagues to rely on their trust networks, meaning people who are already trusted colleagues, to offer aice and .</p><p> 很多人相信人际关系网是发现营销人才的一大源泉,包括本地大学和企业发展有限公司(EDC)提供的联系人。企业发展有限公司是一个非盈利机构,专门为企业家提供支持。作为商学院的一名教授,我也经常鼓励我的学生参与一些新企业的市场营销活动。这样既能帮助他们实践自己学到的既能,反过来也可以帮助新兴企业发展。我们鼓励同事建立自己可信任的人际网络(当然也意味着这些人信任我们的同事),来提供咨询和帮助。</p><p> <strong><img alt="" src="/Public/Upload/image/2015-06-25/20150625121700434.jpg" />Recruit talented, trustworthy friends</strong></p><p> <strong>招贤纳士</strong></p><p> One entrepreneur, Maximilian Huc of GoJobio, noted that his ing talent is, simply . . a friend. &ldquo;I was lucky enough to having a friend hop on board who is the &#39;ing talent,&#39; and I honestly don&#39;t know what I would have done to fill his position if he had not,&rdquo; Huc told us. Clearly, it pays to have talented friends that you can trust.</p><p> GoJobio公司的老板马克西米兰(Maximilian Huc)提到公司的营销人才是自己的朋友。他告诉我们,&ldquo;有一个朋友能跟自己同舟共济,真是太幸运了,而且他正好又是位营销人才,要不然真不知道该给他安排什么工作岗位&rdquo;。显然,拥有自己信任的&ldquo;天才朋友&rdquo;简直赚到了!</p><p> <strong>All of the above</strong></p><p> <strong>以上全部都很重要</strong></p><p> Finally, one alum entrepreneur, Austin Lewis Hollimon, of Commit Youth, said that a co-founder of his had the requisite ing talent, and that they then continued to use their networks to expand their ing capabilities. &ldquo;Marketing talent is something we&#39;re always looking to expand upon. Fortunately, we have a co-founder with experience in ing for the Philadelphia &#39;76ers,&quot; Hollimon said. &quot;Based upon his contacts and our connection to a Princeton alumna,Maisha Walker, we are consistently in contact with leaders in the ing industry, and we use their aice to us grow.&rdquo;</p><p> 最后还有一位明矾企业家奥斯汀&middot;斯(Austin Lewis Hollimon),他创立了青年部落这个公司,说自己的合伙人正好具备市场营销才能,他们联手继续扩大自己的市场营销实力。奥斯汀说,&ldquo;我们一直在寻找这种具备这种才能的人,很幸运,一位合伙人恰巧是这样一位人才,他在费城一家名为&lsquo;76ers&rsquo;的公司提供市场营销服务。基于他的联络人以及一位普林斯顿校友麦莎&middot;沃克的帮助,我们与营销业的企业龙头保持一致的步伐,借助他们的建议帮助我们发展&rdquo;。</p><p> The lesson? Marketing talent is all around you. When you are ready to take that next step, you&rsquo;ll know where to find it!</p><p> 还问课程在哪里?营销人才就在你周围,只要你准备好进入下一步工作,你就会知道如何寻找他们。</p>
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