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多玩YY 主要有哪些盈利渠道?

作者:佚名     时间:2012-10-17 13:14:00     浏览:5685    
<p> YY除了靠月票和广告,还有哪些盈利方式?里面的主持人是采用聘请制还是如何?</p><p> 例如,我想请主持人在主持过程中插入一个广告,是直接联系主持人还是通过官方?</p><p> YY的盈利大概占多玩的多少?</p><p> 迄今为止,从YY出来的红人有哪些?</p><p> <img src="/Public/Upload/image/2012-10-17/2012101713140012909.jpg" /></p><p> <strong>匿名用户</strong></p><p> 10 月 15 号的招股文件披露了收入来源,Form F-1 | sec.gov</p><p> 2012 上半年的收入(单位:千):</p><p> &mdash;Online game: 150,398</p><p> &mdash;YY Music: 92,721</p><p> &mdash;Others: 30,1</p><p> &mdash;Online aertising: 50,370</p><p> &nbsp;</p><center > <p> <img alt="\" height="325" src="/Public/Upload/image/2012-10-17/2012101713140078565.jpg" width="434" /></p></center><p> 同时在 Internet Value-Added Services 一节有详细的说明:</p><p> We primarily generate rnues from paying users of online web games, YY Music and membership. We beli the following areas represent the most significant monetization opportunities for our platform:</p><p> Online Games. Online games, which include massive multiplayer online games and web games, have become an increasingly&nbsp;<strong>popular source of entertainment(获取游戏资讯的重要渠道)</strong>&nbsp;for individuals and groups of internet users. According to the iResearch, China&rsquo;s online games generated RMB43.4 billion (US$6.9 billion) of rnue in 2011, and is expected to grow to RMB84.6 billion (US$13.3 billion) in 2016. Our platform attracts a large number of online game players and is particularly attractive to online game players&rsquo; guilds, the members of which congregate on YY Client to discuss gaming strategies and to communicate during online games. Our platform provides users with access to a wide variety of web games which we monetize. In the future, we intend to dlop and introduce online games-related s such as the recently introduced live&nbsp;<strong>broadcasting(实时广播)&nbsp;</strong>of online games to a large audience.</p><p> Music. YY has become a popular platform for live music performances on music channels. YY provides a stage for grassroots musicians, celebrities and professional performers to perform live. We and offer to users<strong>&nbsp;virtual items(虚拟商品)</strong>&nbsp;that can be used on the music channels. Users can purchase consumable virtual items from us to show support for their favorite performers or time-based virtual items that provide users with recognized status, such as priority speaking rights or special symbols on the music channels. We share with certain popular performers and channel owners a portion of the rnues we derive from such in-channel virtual item sales on YY Music. According to a report we commissioned in 2012 conducted by the Data Center of China Internet, or DCCI, the total size for karaoke and live music performance in ten major cities in China, including Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, was US$8.6 billion. We have encouraged and facilitated numerous large-scale music nts such as fan club gathering and meet-and-greets with various performers, as well as concerts and singing competitions for performers from various music channels. In the future, we intend to encourage &nbsp;<strong>live music nts(在线音乐活动)</strong>&nbsp;which users can access in real-time for an entry fee.</p><p> Membership. We provide enhanced membership privileges to users who pay a monthly fee and subscribe to our&nbsp;<strong>membership program(收费会员)</strong>. Enhanced privileges include access to new and unreleased channel functions, including additional video usage, priority entrance to certain live performances, and exclusive rights to access VIP s, VIP ring-tones, VIP fonts and VIP emoticons. In the future, we intend to continue exploring different ways to expand our members-only offerings so as to better serve our members and attract a larger membership base.</p><p> Education. YY provides a convenient and efficient platform for lectures or personal tutoring sessions to be conducted in real time. Our education channels provide numerous classes that cover diverse subjects such as foreign languages,<strong>the PRC government civil employee examination and IT training(诸如国家公等各种培训)</strong>. In the future, we intend to continue enabling users to conduct education courses and cooperate with various educational institutions to provide&nbsp;<strong>online classes(网上课堂)</strong>&nbsp;on YY for a fee.</p><p> <strong>潘兆峰,从事互联网广告业务</strong></p><p> 最大的赢利点:网页游戏联运。月收入千万。</p><p> <strong>老孟,全球最大的OW</strong></p><p> 回答仅代表个人见解,分为三条:</p><p> 1. YY作为基础的团队语音工具,不进行任何盈利运作;</p><p> 2. YY作为用户群体通讯,聚集的社区载体,会和duowan.com,yy.com以及网页联运业务相互捆绑,互相分享用户流量和优质内容;</p><p> 3.YY本身有应用扩展体系,并逐步建设对外开放合作的平台,该平台还在阶段,者入口网址是open.yy.com;通过开放平台,者可以制作和发布yy频道的工具软件,服务内容,或者多人场景的互动游戏,可以达到一定的盈利目标,有兴趣的同学欢迎关注。</p><p> <strong>夏勃,time changes rything</strong></p><p> 前阵子有个在多玩的同学回校,听他说了一些。</p><p> 1、多玩目前主要的盈利来自游戏平台</p><p> 2、YY语音在前期是不盈利的,不久前才开始有一些盈利。除了你说到的月票和广告,还有一点当时很震惊。大概是给用户一个等级机制,依据消费多少来计算。好像最高等级的&ldquo;国王&rdquo;,月消费要达到10W的样子,特权之一是不论在哪,名字总是显示在第一位。推出之后还真有几个人达到&ldquo;国王&rdquo;级别,据说让YY那些员工都很诧异。</p><p> <strong>周振海,酷爱互联网,在探索,在学习</strong></p><p> 不要小瞧YY,那也是暴利哦。YY工号通过时间的积累会越来越短,一些大的公会觉得很短的工号就很威武的。很多玩家需要买皇马或者红马等等,一个月需要冲很多钱。YY的主持人都是公会自己请的,每一个公会都是一群人组建起来,有主持、场控、还有长期的赞助商。一般赞助商给很多钱的。有的人刷广告直接被封ID,所以刷广告有技巧的。</p>
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